Our Festival Team.
The Winkler Festival of the Arts is a volunteer run board. If you would like descriptions of the positions please scroll to the bottom of the page.
Position Descriptions
Organizes meetings for the executive committee
Deals with all provincial recommendations Forms
Ensure other committees are on schedule
Responsible for communication with AMAF
Assists President wherever needed
May step in President's role when current President is unavailable
Maintains all financial records
Send receipts for donations
Fundraising letters
Takes minutes for all executive meetings
Sends minutes to all committee members
Arranges for bookings, accommodations, etc.
Vocal / Piano Rep
Organizes piano or vocal/choral meetings
Delegate tasks to other committee members
Be a presence during the specified festival session to answer any questions
Entry Secretary
Collect completed entry forms
Ensure all fees are accounted for
Volunteer Contact
Arrange for volunteers during the festival weeks
Ensure all volunteers know their tasks during their volunteering session(s)
Ensure all trophies and medals are in good condition
Order medals and rosettes as needed
Arrange for "keeper trophies" for the previous year's winners
Schedule all classes and entries and create program
Enlist help for editing
Public Relations
Facebook/Social media